group analysis
The Journal of Group-Analytic Psychotherapy

S.H. Foulkes Annual Lectures (1st-16th)

1977 Tom Main
The Concept of the Therapeutic Community: Variations and Vicissitudes

1978 E. James Anthony
The Group-Analytic Circle and its Ambient Network

1979 Wilfred D. Abse
Some Complementary Functions of Group-Analytic Psychotherapy and Individual Psychoanalysis

1980 Morton Lieberman
Group Therapy - Beyond the Therapy Group

1981 Mrs. M.L.J. Abercrombie
Beyond the Unconscious: Group Analysis Applied

1982 Malcolm Pines
Reflections on Mirroring

1983 Heinz Wolff
Mind-Body Interactions and the Psychotherapeutic Process

1984 Robin Skynner
Institutes and How To Survive Them

1985 Patrick de Maré
Large Group Perspectives

1986 David Clark
Group Analysis and the Therapeutic Community

1987 Karl König
Transference in Groups- Internal Phantasy and External Reality

1988 Yvonne Agazarian
The Invisible Group: An Integrational Theory of Group-as-a-Whole

1989 Claude Pigott
Deep Truth, Madness and Paradox in Analytic Children's Groups

1990 Murray Cox
The Group as Poetic Play-ground: From Metaphor to Metamorphosis

1991 Dorothy Stock Whitaker
Transposing Learnings from Group Psychotherapy to Work Groups

1992 Lionel Kreeger
Envy Preemption in Small and Large Groups

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